Looking for some awesome wedding photography locations in Ghent?
We would like to help you with that!
Every year, Ghent has over 1 million visitors. So, in addition, Ghent must have thé hotspots for a perfect wedding shoot.
You probably already had a few wedding photo locations in mind, but this list with 20 photo locations in Ghent will help you to find the perfect one.
Top 20 wedding photo locations in Ghent for the most beautiful wedding pictures
Ghent has many ideal spots for your wedding photographs. Some of them are unique historical locations.
So finding the ideal wedding photo locations in Ghent is not so difficult as there are more than enough of them. We listed the absolute best locations for you.
1. Graffiti alley
The first photo location in Ghent is the graffiti alley. You might have past by without even noticing it as it can be found in the heart of Ghent near the city hall. This streetart hotspot will give your wedding pictures a more modern look and feel. If you are looking for a colorful and unique background than this photo location is definitely a must.
2. Hof van Rijhove
Only 500m away of the Vrijdagsmarkt you can find the small museum of 'Hof van Rijhove'. The first time it was mentioned in historical scripts was mid the 12th century. So it won't be a surprise that this is a location with a unique historical vibe. There is a stunning stone arch gallery and beautiful small garden.
3. Stairs of the city hall in Ghent
The outside of the city hall has gothic and renaissance influences that do well as a backdrop for your wedding pictures. By standing on the stairs you can avoid a crowded background and you can even frame the Belfort within your pictures.
4. Inside the city hall of Ghent
Not only is this the place where a lot of people get married it is also an ideal location for wedding pictures. There are beautiful rooms and halls to be discovered within the walls of the city hall. If you want a sneak peak you can do so with This online 360° tour.
5. The square in front of the Belfry of Ghent
Situated between the Belfry and the Sint-Baafs cathedral you can find a beautiful square. With these stunning towers on each side of the square you can't go wrong with the angle you are taking pictures from.
6. Bourgoyen - Ossemeersen
Just outside the city center the nature reserve, Bourgoyen - Ossemeersen, is located. Bourgoyen is mainly known for its water birds, but apart from this, the nature reserve offers the ideal environment. You can go there during summer and winter. Please note that the nature reserve is accessible from sunrise to sunset.
7. Graslei
This was probably one of the wedding photo locations in Ghent that you had in mind. For sure, the Graslei is one of the most beautiful places in Ghent. It’s a beautiful street in the historical center of the city, close to the water. You can even rent a boat for capturing your wedding photos. Keep in mind that this area is very crowded during the summer months.
8. St Michael's Bridge
The eighth wedding photography location in Ghent to add to our list is St Michael’s Bridge (Sint-Michielsbrug). Probably one of the most well known bridges in Ghent and a very beautiful one on top of that. If you're living in Ghent, you must have taken some pictures here.
9. Gravensteen
This is the only medieval castle in Flanders and in that way a highly recommended attraction for tourists. The rooftop of this castle offers a perfect view on Ghent and its three towers: St Nicholas’ Church (Sint-Niklaaskerk), the Belfry of Ghent (het Belfort) and the St Bavo’s Cathedral (Sint-Baafskathedraal). A perfect photo location for your couple shoot.
10. Patershol
Patershol is a historic district whose division - just like Gravensteen - dates back to the Middle Ages. Did you know that Patershol gained international fame through the film "Malpertuis"? This film was also nominated for Cannes’ Golden Palm in 1971. Except Patershol being a perfect film setting, perhaps also the ideal photo location? Today there are cozy restaurants, cafes but also boutique specialty shops where you can shop.
11. Houtdok promenade
In the future Houtdok, Achterdok and Handelsdok will make a long promenade of 4 km. Near Houtdok there is a beach that brings many residents of Ghent to the docks during summer.
12. Old St Elizabeth Beguinage
A unique location to take your wedding photos is the Old St Elizabeth Beguinage (Oud Begijnhof Sint-Elisabeth), located in the Begijnhofdries in the center of Ghent. The Beguinage is no longer enclosed by a wall so you can enter freely. There are three different churches and over hundred traditional houses to take photos with.
13. The Great Beguinage
The Great Beguinage (Het Groot Begijnhof) has been a protected cultural heritage since 1998. Together with 12 other Flemish beguinages, it has been inserted in the World Heritage List of UNESCO. Although no more beguines are living there today, the Beguinage has both religious and cultural functions. Unique houses, cobbled streets, three squares, a beguinage church and a chapel are present. There are three gates to enter the domain, which close at 11pm.
14. St Bavo's Abbey
Would you like getting your wedding photos taken in a more rustic location? Then this might be the photo location you are looking for. St Bavo's Abbey (Sint-Baafsabdij) is a ruin from the 7th century. This is even visible in the beautiful garden. Without a doubt this location will give you some original and beautiful wedding photos. Pay attention to the opening hours. St. Bavo's Abbey is open from April to November on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2 to 6 pm.
15. Citadel Park
Citadel Park is older than you might think. It was built in 1875 and has gone through a number of changes since then. Luckily, the works of art made during that time are still visible. Most people come for a walk, but it is also a perfect wedding photo location. Even though it is located in the middle of Ghent, it’s a perfect place when you want to escape the bustle of the city. there are large trees, including some rare ones. Part of Citadel Park is the (Art Deco) Rose Garden, which you can enter via Fortlaan.
16. The docks - Dok Noord
Now mainly characterized by the shopping center that has been there for several years, but in the meantime the old port is getting further renovated. And Dok Noord is one of them. Go to the official website of Dok Noord here.
17. Grindbakken
Unfortunately, The Blue harbor crane and “Grindbakken'' had fallen into disrepair, but at the hand of architects and a project developer they were given a new function. Grindbakken got a colorful metamorphosis where graffiti artists are legally allowed to make art. Grindbakken are used as meeting space and can also be rented for activities such as weddings. Located at the waterside, this location can surely give you some stunning wedding photos.
18. Portus Ganda
Did you know that Ghent was originally called Ganda? Well, Portus Ganda is the marina that still bears that name. A pleasant place with cozy parks and terraces that is the ideal wedding photo location.
19. Lievekaai
There are many cozy places to be found in Ghent, but Lievekaai is certainly one of them. The Lievekaai is located right next to the Leie and forms a picturesque photo location with its cobblestones and authentic houses. In addition, weeping willows make the environment even more beautiful.
20. Jozef Kluyskensstraat
If you're using a pink theme for your wedding, you can even match your wedding pictures with it. The Japanese cherry trees are well known for their beautiful pink blossoms. And even in Ghent, more precisely in the Jozef Kluyskensstraat you can find a few of those. Apart from these trees, the Bijloke Hospital and the Rommelaere Institute are located in the same street.